Group booking request must include the following information: pax number, pax category, destination, dates, and contact information. The application for group booking request shall be sent to e-mail GROUPDV@SCAT.KZ .
Group booking request shall be made within 10 working days from the date of its application.The Airline provides a commercial offer including price, conditions of passengers changes, rebooking, refund etc. The Airlinehas the right to refuse in group transportation if the number of group members exceeds the number of available seats on the flight and / or transportation of the group is not economically profitable.
Commercial offer validity prior for group booking term is limited by 3 working days. If no consent has been received from the client, the airline is authorized to cancel the application.
Unless otherwise agreed, the group booking procedure is performed by the airline.
In case the group booking request is made by an agency having sales agreement with the airline, it is authorized to perform booking and ticketing process by itself.
It is client’s responsibility to provide on-time the following data about passengers: name, passport or ID details,birth certificate and all relative information.
The airline reserves the right to review commercial offer in case terms of group booking (arrival/departure date, age category, number of group members) have been changed by the client.